Almost from the very beginning of its activity in 2009 , the MegaPol company (Vinnitsa) took over the main solution: work predominantly with natural products from domestic and exotic wood species.
Today, we represent almost all types of parquet floors from the best domestic and foreign manufacturers, as well as brands.
Despite the variability of architectural and design trends, we continue to develop in our country the direction of 100% natural classic types of parquet and its varieties:
industrial (industrial) parquet
For connoisseurs of "large forms" in spatial solutions, we can always offer a natural board from domestic and exotic species:
By the way, for connoisseurs of boardwalk on the verandas, as well as near the pools, - also possible composite board.
For those who appreciate not only naturalness, but also maximum manufacturability, our range includes one-, two-, three- and multi-strip parquet board in various designs:
When maximum strength, moisture resistance and stability are required to abrasion - in our assortment there are modern coatings:

In order for the selected floors to serve reliably and please with their appearance for a long time, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the laying technology, as well as following manufacturer's recommendations. It is very important to use quality materials for the installation of the selected flooring. Such materials include both auxiliary materials ( plywood , substrate ), and various types of parquet chemistry ( adhesives , varnishes , putties, primers, oil-wax ). We will help you choose all this, observing the technical regulations and compatibility of materials.
Shop "MegaPol" offers for its Clients to purchase all types of parquet , as well as materials for laying floors at prices recommended by the manufacturer from a warehouse in Vinnitsa . It is possible to deliver the purchased materials both in the Vinnitsa region and in Ukraine .